to serve the needs of those interested in family history who lived in what was then Central Region.

The Society covers the old counties of Clackmannanshire, Stirlingshire and West Perthshire,
including the parishes of Bo'ness and Carriden which were in West Lothian.

While of particular value to people whose forebears come from these parishes and from the
villages and burghs of Stirlingshire, Clackmannanshire and West Perthshire. The Society,
through its links to similar groups in Scotland and elsewhere, can be of service to family historians generally.

The Society aims to cater for members who wish to pursue further their existing knowledge,
or provide support for those wishing to begin their research.

Regular meetings are held in Stirling, where expert speakers deal with aspects of genealogy and local history.

A bi-annual Newsletter offers members the opportunity to exchange family information,
to contribute news and views, and to pursue family history interests world-wide.

There are opportunities too, for participating in practical exercises such as transcribing
census information, or recording gravestone inscriptions.

The Newsletter gives names and addresses of the Society's Office Bearers, including the Editor
to whom all items for insertion in the Newsletter should be submitted.

The names and email addresses of all new members appear in the next issue of the Journal,
as do all Members' Interests submitted.

Prospective members are welcome at any of the Society's monthly evening meetings to 'test the water'.

The meetings are held from October to May, meetings are a mixture of in person and on Zoom.
Full details of meetings can be found on the Dates For Your Diary page.